Lien vers le FR : Climate School Catalogue FR (

You'll find here every course and modules available.

Table of Content :


<aside> 🔥 The Science behind sustainability - 6 courses - Approx. 6h


Preamble : the Great Acceleration

A sense of the scale of human impact ; working out how and why it’s happening…

The Great Climate System

Walking through the science behind the Climate System on Earth - approx. 1 hour

The Overexploitation on Natural Resources

A comprehension of natural resources, how they enabled humankind to progress and how their overexploitation is dramatic. - Approx. 1h

The Epic History of Earth

A 24-hours journey from the Big Bang to the birth of human societies ; understanding the forces at stake in the past to help us act now.

The Collapse of Biodiversity

This Course is all about the variety of life and the impact a fast-changing climate and environment is having on it.

Impacts on human societies

Walking through the different impacts on our lives and economies today


<aside> 🔥 Take actions in your day to day job - 10 courses


Building a roadmap to action

Understanding on how human instinct of survival and adaptation is key to trigger the change

Acting on ecological footprint

This module will focus on your company product effects on biodiversity and natural resources known as negative externalities - Approx. 30 min

I work in the IT department

A course where you'll learn the importance of digital in climate change and what you can do to reduce it

I work in legal department

Understanding how legal services must take climate changes very seriously with the apparition of climate liability

I work in HR

In this course, you will understand how climate change will transform the HR functions and your role into the transition of your company - Approx. 43.5min